Kugelmann History
How it started in Rettenbach am Auerberg

1952Siegfried Kugelmann sets up the company in Wendelinshof. Entry in the register of craftsmen.

1963The first pointed ploughs were developed and launched. To test the ploughs, Siegfried Kugelmann took on the responsibility for winter road maintenance in Rettenbach.

1968The first snow blower is developed and tested at Stilfser Joch (South Tyrol).

1978The famous "Heuma" tedder is significantly optimized to increase its performance. Construction of the first lawn sweeper - in close cooperation with Kalinke.

1980Development and fabrication of the first spreaders for winter road maintenance.

1993The company is handed over to Sepp Kugelmann. Two years later, construction of the new production site in the new industrial area in Rettenbach.

1999Development of sweeping suction combination "EasyClean".

2000The "DUPLEX" truck-mounted spreader is designed as modular system.

2001Implementation of "DUPLEX" three-point spreader.

2004Development of the pioneering control system "K TRONIC".

2008Cabin construction as new field of operation. Development of the lift and shuttle table for laser cutting machines. Fabrication of protective glazing for Fendt tractor cabins.

2010Construction of another production hall. Our own painting line is put into operation.

2014The one-chamber spreader series D 301 and D 601 are put onto the market - a real milestone in the three-point spreader segment.

2015kugelmann launches the K-BASIC, a revolutionary simple but yet highly precise control system.

TODAYOur family business is now in the third generation.